The publisher receives partial financial support from the European Foundation for Clinical Nanomedicine ( in the form of an annual donation. We are grateful for the gift from the Elkes Foundation III (EIN: 82-3897250, New York, NY) and the in-kind contributions of AA Nanomedicine and Nanotechnology Consulting (EIN: 45-2187873, Andover, MA).
Our efforts for better scholarly publications are supported by our volunteers: Associate Editors, Editorial Board members, and Reviewers, who dedicate their precious time and expertise. We are thankful as well as strategic support from Advisory Board members; volunteers, who graciously offered their prestige, respect, and expertise.
The publisher does not have paid employees, only independent contractors (webmaster, copyeditor, designer, etc.), and may distribute honoraria to its editors in the future. Still, our primary goal is to keep publication costs low and publication quality high.
Thanks to these benevolent supports, all submissions are currently free.